
What To Do If Your Loved One Is Abusing Prescription Drugs

The statistics show that prescription drug abuse is a serious problem. It is most common in young people and teens but the problem is also becoming more common in people who take potentially addictive drugs for medical reasons. Unfortunately, some prescription drugs can be highly addictive but generally, there is little risk of addiction as long as the patient is following the doctor’s instructions. People who take potentially addictive drugs rarely abuse them intentionally, however, over time some types of drugs become less efficient because the body develops tolerance. In order to achieve the desired effect, the patient might increase the dose without asking his or her doctor for approval which is by definition prescription drug abuse.

If your loved one takes potentially addictive medications, it is a good idea to pay attention to his or her behaviour and other clues which may indicate an abuse. However, do not jump to conclusions immediately. Some types of medications can alter the person’s mood and behaviour even if they are taken as instructed by the doctor. Instead, wait a few days to see whether the unusual behaviour could be related to something else. But if you think that your loved one has symptoms of prescription drug abuse, you should talk to him or her about your concerns. Be sure, however, to bring up the topic very carefully.

No matter if your loved one has a problem with prescription drug abuse or not, you should be prepared for denial because most people refuse to admit having a problem until they do not perceive it as a serious threat to their health or life. However, a person who has a problem with prescription drug abuse usually reacts differently than someone who does not. Every person reacts on their own way but in many cases, people who have a problem with drug abuse react more intensely, insulted or/and insulting to their loved one. A person who has no such problems, on the other hand, remains calm and is often interested in what made their loved one consider a possibility of prescription drug abuse. But as already mentioned earlier, every person is unique which is why it is difficult to determine whether your loved one really has everything under control on the basis of his or her reaction alone.

If you are not convinced that your loved one really does not have a problem with prescription drug abuse, you should not postpone an action too long because if your suspicions are correct, your loved one needs medical treatment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you may not be able to avoid conflicts but it is important to be aware that prescription drug abuse is a serious problem which gets only worse if ignored. If your loved one refuses to acknowledge having a problem and to seek professional help, you should talk to your own or your loved one’s doctor who will tell you exactly what to do.